The Future Of...
The Future Of... with Ian Dejong
Human centricity within the workforce (in the age of AI)

Human centricity within the workforce (in the age of AI)

Lauren Peate, Founder & CEO, Multitudes

Today, I'm in conversation with Lauren Peate, Founder & CEO of Multitudes, an ethical team analytics tool. Multitudes integrates various systems to centralise and reveal key technical, operational, and human metrics. This enables not just management of delivery but also of team maturity, employee burnout, check-ins, and career progression. In essence, it's a platform driving engineering effectiveness and empowering technical leaders to lead with confidence and empathy.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The evolution from data layer to intelligence layer, and now to the 'human layer'

  • The value capture of operational efficiencies

  • 'Glue' work and the value it brings

  • Reciprocity in the corporate environment

  • Operationalising 'ethics' within a business

  • Employee 'quiet quitting' and hidden disengagement

  • Diversity, equity, inclusion and what that actually means within technical teams

  • Mentoring, career progression, and the hidden signals we should consider when promoting individuals.

Among other topics…

As AI and automation increasingly streamline our daily tasks, the optimist in me believes these advancements will allow us more time to embrace our humanity and truly return to being more 'human'. It's been exhilarating to see how Lauren and her team are helping individuals, teams, and organisations achieve this. So with that, I'm excited to present to you Lauren Peate, Founder & CEO of Multitudes.

More information:

The Future Of...
The Future Of... with Ian Dejong
Emerging technology, future of trust & privacy, armchair philosophy.
Welcome to The Future of podcast, where we dive deep into discussions with remarkable founders and industry experts. Together, we explore the challenges of today and how they are innovating through them to shape a brighter tomorrow.
In each episode, my intent is to explore;
- The 'why' behind their mission: What critical problems they're dedicated to solving?
- The 'how' of their approach: What innovative strategies and solutions they're deploying or building?
- And most importantly, the 'who' benefits & How they positively impacting industry, business or individuals and ultimately paving the way for a better future?
We'll also be summarising any key learnings and actionable take aways, so whether you're a founder, entrepreneur, an industry enthusiast, or just someone hungry for deep dives into specific domains, you're in the right place.
So get ready for some captivating conversations that offer you a glimpse into the minds of those forging the path towards a brighter, more promising world.
And with that, I bring you… The Future of…
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Ian Dejong